ThinkShopBuy…LOCAL is a local shopping mobile app that encourages the Greater West Chester PA community to purchase goods and services from the local businesses of the Greater West Chester Chamber of Commerce. Not only can ThinkShopBuy…LOCAL help you save on your purchases with special offers and discounts, but it also provides you with convenience of locating and refining your business search.
ThinkShopBuy…LOCAL works as a directory listing, providing information of participating businesses in the Greater West Chester PA area, broken up into six categories:
•Personal Services
•Professional Services
•Attractions & Entertainment
Additionally, ThinkShopBuy…LOCAL provides you with Chamber information such as website and social media links, news and events, contact info and more. And, when you shop LOCAL, $0.68 of every dollar is reinvested back into the community, compared to $0.45 on regional purchases and $0.00 on online purchases.
Support your local businesses and be an active member of your local community by participating in ThinkShopBuy…LOCAL.